App Push

The smartphone is always in the pocket – now you can get the most out of your reach and enhance user engagement with App Push Notifications.
Individual and customizable
Address the needs and interests of your users and customize your push campaigns, so that your messages always rech the right users. The tag-logic used by ethinking allows for messages, that only reach the people that are really interested in the content you are spreading.

Even more reach

Unleash the complete potential of your mobile App!
Your subscribers already carry you around in their pocket? Then why not remind them to check in with you again, with just one click!
Customized, with your logos, designs, media and even emojis.
Reach every leading Operating System
Push by ethinking supports every leading operating system – and the ones that are about to come. No matter if your users use Apple’s iOS or Android by Google – your Push arrives and convinces!
Newly released: Harmony OS
Huawei users also have their right to receive push nitifications – we make it happen!
Go ahead and try it out ...

Simply register to get started right away, or let us guide you through a product demo first.