Web Push

Reach everyone, with the web push by ethinking The right push at the right time
Reach every browser with just one tool
The Push service by ethinking supprts every leading browser like:
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
With one click – on mobile devices or desktop browsers.

Push your interaction rate

With web push notifications you won’t depend on inboxes or active sessions anymore. Insetead of long e-mails you can send your users compressed information they can interact iwth right away.

Individual settings
The opt-in requests for push notifications are widely known. But, that those request messages can be adjusted isn’t as widely known.
With ethinking Push you enable your users to set their very own personal preferences when it comes to receiving your notifications. Some visitors of your website come for the recommendations, others maybe for the weather, sports, sales or their account details. In case you’re operating trans-nationally your users might want to be addressed in Spanish, or Italian. With those customization options the push experience you can offer your users gets even more individual – no more unnecessary spam and constantly increased loyalty.
Go ahead and try it out ...

Simply register to get started right away, or let us guide you through a product demo first.